Juliet Guzzetta
C644 Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824
FacultyEnglishRomance and Classical StudiesFilm Studies
Associate Professor
Theater and Performance Studies; Literary Studies; Italian Studies; Women and Gender Studies
Juliet Guzzetta holds joint appointments in the Department of English and the Department of Romance and Classical Studies. Her first book, The Theater of Narration: From the Peripheries of History to the Main Stages of Italy (Northwestern UP, 2021; translation in Italian by Accademia University Press, 2023), explores a form of contemporary solo theater in its historical, political, and performative dimensions. It received an honorable mention from the Modern Language Association for the Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Publication Award for a Manuscript in Italian Literary Studies. She has published articles and essays in Theatre History Studies, Annali d’Italianistica, gender/sexuality/italy, Spunti e ricerche, Italica and several edited volumes, and recently published a translation of Giuliana Musso’s Dentro. Una storia vera se volete in the journal Delos: A Journal of World Translation. Currently she is working on a monograph provisionally titled Acting Class: Lessons from Franca Rame about politics and feminism in postwar Italy that centers Rame’s performances and activism as a model for political discourse, socially committed artistry, and grounded wide-ranging critique. She is also co-editing a collection of essays by scholars and creative writers with Graziella Parati called Italian Feminism: A Transnational Praxis for Today and Tomorrow. From 2021-2025 she is the President of the Women’s Studies Caucus for the American Association for Italian Studies. Her research has been supported by a year-long Fulbright grant to Italy, and Harvard’s Mellon School for Theater and Performance Research among a range of internal grants. Prior to her academic career, Guzzetta co-authored and acted in numerous plays throughout New York City and at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, after studying at the Moscow Art Theater and at the British American Drama Academy in Oxford. Also under development is a non-fiction piece called Eternally Present about grief and mourning for which a chapter received a Hopwood award.
Research Interests: 20th and 21st century Italian culture; dramatic literature; performance studies; cinema studies; gender studies
Degree: PhD, University of Michigan
CAL Signature Lecture Series
In the spring of 2025, the College of Arts and Letters will host a series of events addressing themes from Giuliana Musso’s Dentro (inside). A True Story, If You Think So, which will run at the Pasant Theater in the Wharton Center for Performing Arts.
Eng826: Performing Solo and Performance Theory Graduate Seminar
Film Studies 450: Italian and Italian-American Cinema and Critical Race Theory
Eng448: Gender in the Archives: Documentary Theatre
Eng 362: Newsworthy Drama: The Plays of Dario Fo and Franca Rame
Film Studies 355: National and Transnational Cinemas: Italian and Italian-American Cinemas
Romance Languages 355: Postwar Art Cinemas and Auteurs in France, Italy, and Spain
ENG326: Readings in Drama: Modern Drama and the Performance of Everyday Life
ITL350: La solitudine: Letteratura per una pandemia
ITL330: La storia italiana del XX secolo tramite il teatro di narrazione
ITL320: Migrations in Literature and Film with Advanced Grammar and Composition
IAH240D: Italian Performance Traditions: From the Stage to the Screen and in Everyday Life
ENG227: Introduction to Playwriting
ENG210: Foundations in Literary Study I: Foreignness and Belonging
The Theater of Narration: From the Peripheries of History to the Main Stages of Italy. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2021. (Il teatro di narrazione. Dalle periferie della storia ai grandi teatri italiani. Tradotto da Monica Capuani e Francesco Bianchi. Accademia University Press: Turin, Italy, 2023)
“In Search of a Human/e Logic: An Introduction to Giuliana Musso’s Dentro (Inside);” Dentro (Inside). A True Story, If You Think So [translation of Giuliana Musso’s full-length play Dentro. Una storia vera, se volete]; “Conclusion: Translation Reflections.” Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature. University of Florida Press, vol. 38.2 (2024): 121-164.
“Epistemologie incarnate: La drammaturgia somatica di Giuliana Musso in Mio eroe.” Italica. University of Illinois Press, vol. 100.3 (2023): 445-457.
“Dominique Morisseau’s Blood at the Root: Intersectionality and the Jena Six” in Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Plays by Women: The Early Twenty-First Century. Eds. Penelope Farfan and Lesley Ferris. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2021: 211-219.
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