Paula Winke

(517) 353-9792

B252 Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824

FacultyLinguistics, Languages, and CulturesSecond Language Studies

Applied Linguistics Program
Arts & Letters Professor

Second Language Studies Ph.D. Program & MA TESOL & Applied Linguistics Program

ORCID: 0000-0002-8169-650X

Curriculum Vitae


(Ph.D, Georgetown University) Paula Winke is the Inaugural Arts & Letters Professor in the College of Arts & Letters. She teaches in the Second Language Studies Ph.D. Program and in the TESOL & Applied Linguistics Programs in the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures. Her primary research is on foreign and second language assessment and individual differences that affect assessment processes and outcomes. Paula is currently on sabbatical at the Universität Innsbruck (Austria), within the Institut für Fachdidaktik (Department of Specialized Instruction), and within the Language Testing Research Group Innsbruck (LTRGI).

Media Mentions

Awards and Honors


Burton, J. D., & Winke, P. (2025). Affect as a component of second language speech perception. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. Advance online publication. 1-26.

Winke, P., & Koné, K. (2025). Why we need more research on technology applications in less-commonly-taught-language (LCTL) programs. Language Learning & Technology, 29(2). 1-10.

Etchart, M., & Winke, P. (2024). Reexamining the “L2 Grit Scale” construction process: A conceptual replication of Teimouri, Plonsky, and Tabandeh (2022). Journal for the Psychology of Language Learning, 6(2), Article e6216324.

Zhang, X., & Winke, P. (2024). Time to proficiency in young English learners and factors that affect progress. TESOL Quarterly. Advance online publication.

Koné, K., & Winke, P. (2023). Do directed motivational current phenomena exist everywhere? An investigation into African EFL learners’ experiences. English Language Teaching, 16(4), 1-14.

Siddoqui, T., & Winke, P. (2023). Bangladeshi EAP teachers’ perspectives on Task-based Language Teaching. TASK, 3(2), 273-304.

Winke, P., Zhang, X., & Pierce, S. J. (2023). A closer look at a marginalized test method: Self-assessment as a measure of speaking proficiency. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 45(2), 416-441.

Winke, P., Huntley, L., & Gass, S. (2022). “So I think دبة is bear!” An initial data-driven explanation of how Arabic students use captioned video to learn vocabulary. Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(2), 1–34.

Winke, P., & Brunfaut, T. (Eds.) (2021). The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and language testing. Routledge. ISBN: 9781138490680

Burton, J. D., & Winke, P. (2021). Building positive outcomes for English language learning: A case for focusing on positive individual differences. TESOL International Association AL Forum.

Gass, S., Sydorenko, T., & Winke, P. (2021). Materials from “The effects of captioning videos used for foreign language listening activities,” published in Language Learning & Technology, 2010, by Winke, Gass, and Sydorenko [Materials and description]. Humanities Commons.

Winke, P., Heidrich, E., & Gass, S. (2021). Individual differences in Advanced Spanish proficiency: Cluster and case-matching analyses on 127 Advanced learners. In M. Menke & P. Malovrh (Eds.), Advancedness in second language Spanish: Definitions, challenges, and possibilities (pp. 368-395). John Benjamins.

Godfroid, A., Winke, P., & Conklin, K. (2020). Exploring the depths of second language processing with eye tracking: An introduction. Second Language Research, 36(3), 243-255.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2020). A principled approach to language assessment. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Winke, P., Zhang, X., Rubio, F., Gass, S., Soneson, D., & Hacking, J. (2020). The proficiency profiles of language students: Implications for programs. Second Language Research & Practice, 1(1), 25-64.

Zhang, X., Winke, P., & Clark, S. (2020). Background characteristics and oral proficiency development over time in lower-division college foreign language programs. Language Learning, 70(3), 807-847.

Winke, P., & Ma, W. M. (2020). The assessment of Chinese L2 proficiency. In C. Shei, M., Zikpi, & D. Chao (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of Chinese language teaching (pp. 405-422). Routledge.

Winke, P. & Zhang, X. (2019). How a third-grade reading retention law will affect ELLs in Michigan, and a call for research on child ELL reading development. TESOL Quarterly, 53(2), 529-542. Video abstract:

Gass, S., Van Gorp, K., & Winke, P. (2019). Using different carrots: How incentivization affects proficiency testing outcomes. Foreign Language Annals, 52(2), 216-236. Video abstract:

Ma, W., & Winke, P. (2019). Self-assessment: How reliable is it in assessing oral proficiency over time? Foreign Language Annals, 52(1), 66-86. Video abstract:

Rasool, G., & Winke, P. (2019). Undergraduate students’ motivation to learn and attitudes towards English in multilingual Pakistan: A look at shifts in English as a world language. System, 82, 50-62.

Winke, P., & Gass, S. (Eds.) (2018). Foreign language proficiency in higher education: Curricular and assessment issues. Springer.

Winke, P., Lee, S., Yoon, H-J., Ahn, J. I., Choi, I., & Cui, Y. (2018). The cognitive validity of child English-language tests: What young language learners and their native-speaking peers can reveal. TESOL Quarterly, 52(2), 274-303. Video abstract:

Lee, S., & Winke, P. (2018). Young learners’ response processes when taking computerized tasks for speaking assessment. Language Testing, 35(2), 239-269.

University News

Faculty Invited to Teach at International Winter School for Language Testing Research
Published February 20, 2025 in College of Arts & Letters
Assistant Professor Koen Van Gorp and Professor Paula Winke from the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures (LiLaC) at Michigan State University were two of five international professors…Read now »
Doctoral Candidate Receives AAAL Graduate Student Award
Published March 14, 2023 in College of Arts & Letters
J. Dylan Burton, a doctoral candidate in the Second Language Studies (SLS) Ph.D. program at Michigan State University, received a 2023 Graduate Student Award from the American…Read now »
Paula Winke Named Inaugural Arts & Letters Professor
Published January 17, 2023 in College of Arts & Letters
Paula Winke, Professor in the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures (LiLaC) at Michigan State University, recently was named the inaugural Arts & Letters Professor recognizing her…Read now »
MSU Faculty Member and Alum Win National Foreign Language Education Award
Published February 21, 2022 in College of Arts & Letters
The highest national research award for foreign language education recently was awarded to the team of Xiaowan Zhang, MSU Ph.D. alumna in Second Language Studies; Paula Winke, Professor in MSU’s…Read now »
Doctoral Graduate Raises the Bar for African Language Instruction
Published December 10, 2021 in College of Arts & Letters
Although specific to African languages, Magdalyne “Maggie” Oguti Akiding’s approach to second language instruction could be adapted to teach most any foreign language and is raising the bar…Read now »
Raising Proficiency in Critical-Need Languages
Published March 29, 2021 in College of Arts & Letters
For decades, Spanish, French, and German have dominated the landscape of foreign language instruction in most schools, colleges, and universities in the United States. However, as the need grows for…Read now »
Putting Tests to the Test: Assessing High-Stakes Exams for Second Language Learners
Published September 11, 2020 in College of Arts & Letters
While earning undergraduate degrees in French and Philosophy, Paula Winke was inspired to blend her interests in language learning, research, and social justice. Today, she’s an…Read now »
Paula Winke Named Director of Second Language Studies
Published July 7, 2020 in College of Arts & Letters
Paula Winke, Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian, and African Languages, has been appointed Director of the Second Language Studies Program in the College…Read now »
LAE Podcast Hosts Associate Professor of Linguistics Paula Winke
Published February 10, 2020 in College of Arts & Letters
Episode two of the Liberal Arts Endeavor Podcast is out! Our host, Dean Christopher P. Long, spoke with Associate Professor of Linguistics Paula Winke in her Wells Hall…Read now »
Professor to Research Language Assessment as a Fulbright Scholar
Published September 18, 2019 in College of Arts & Letters
The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board has selected Paula Winke, Associate Professor in…Read now »
Winke Named Co-Editor of ‘Language Testing’ Journal
Published September 25, 2018 in College of Arts & Letters
Paula Winke, Associate Professor in the Second Language Studies Program, has been named Co-Editor of the journal Language Testing, effective January 1, 2019. This marks the fourth major…Read now »
Leading Second Language Proficiency Research
Published February 13, 2017 in College of Arts & Letters
Researchers in MSU’s College of Arts & Letters are finishing up a large-scale study, never done before in terms of scope, that will give an overall picture of language proficiency in…Read now »
PhD Candidate Mostafa Papi Researches Motivational Aspects of Second Language Learning
Published December 15, 2015 in College of Arts & Letters
December 15, 2015 The fifth of nine children, who grew up in the city of Khorramabad in mountainous western Iran, Mostafa Papi already had significant learning, teaching, and academic…Read now »