Steven Fraiberg

252 Bessey Hall
434 Farm Ln
East Lansing, MI 48824

FacultyWriting, Rhetoric, and CulturesGlobal Studies in Arts and HumanitiesJewish StudiesRhetoric and WritingFirst Year Writing

Associate Professor


My research broadly attends to literacy, mobility, and globalization. Grounded in ethnographic and sociocultural traditions, I have two research strands at the moment. The first attends to the global innovation systems and transnational entrepreneurs with a focus on the Israeli/Palestinian high-tech industries. Second, I am involved in studying global shifts in higher education. More specifically, I recently completed a book with two colleagues, Inventing the World Grant University: Chinese International Students’ Mobilities, Literacies, and Identities, on the ways the social, linguistic, and cultural landscape in U.S. higher education is being reshaped by the rapid influx of Chinese international students.

Research Interests

Globalization in Higher Education and Workplaces, Startup Entrepreneurs and Innovation Systems, Composition Studies, Multi-Translingualism


Ph.D. English with a Concentration in Writing Studies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

M.S. Technical Communication, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

B.A. English, University of Michigan

Research or Academic Affiliations

Jewish Studies Program,

Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities,

Google Scholar Profile


Inventing the World Grant University: Chinese International Students’ Mobilities, Literacies, and Identities

Inventing the World Grant University: Chinese International Students’ Mobilities, Literacies, and Identities. (Co-authored with Xiaoye You and Xiqiao Wang). Utah State University Press, 2017.

Startup Nation: Studying Transnational Entrepreneurial Practices in Israel’s Startup Ecosystem

“Startup Nation: Studying Transnational Entrepreneurial Practices in Israel’s Startup Ecosystem.” Spec. issue of Journal of Business and Technical Communication. 33.1. (2017): 1-39. 
*Received award for NCTE Best Original Collection of Essays in Scientific and Technical Communication

Weaving Relationship Webs: Tracing how IMing Practices Mediate the Trajectories of Chinese International Students

“Weaving Relationship Webs: Tracing how IMing Practices Mediate the Trajectories of Chinese International Students.” (Co-authored with Xiaowei Cui). Computers and Composition. 39.1. (2016): 83-103.

Outsmarting the Nation, Together: Subversive Virtual Fraternity in the Israeli Men’s Magazine Blazer

“Outsmarting the Nation, Together: Subversive Virtual Fraternity in the Israeli Men’s Magazine Blazer.” Israel Studies Review. (Co-authored with Danny Kaplan). 30.1 (2015): 83-103.

Re-assembling Technical Communication: Mapping out a Framework for Studying Multilingual-Multimodal Practices in the Context of Globalization

“Re-assembling Technical Communication: Mapping out a Framework for Studying Multilingual-Multimodal Practices in the Context of Globalization.” Spec. issue of Technical Communication Quarterly. 22.1 (2013): 10-27.
* Nominated for NCTE Best Original Collection of Essays in Scientific and Technical Communication

A Multilingual and Multimodal Framework for Studying L2 Composing

“A Multilingual and Multimodal Framework for Studying L2 Composing.” (Co-authored with Xiaoye You). EFL Teaching and Research. 35.3 (2012): 263-70. Print.

Composition 2.0: Toward a Multilingual and Multimodal Framework

“Composition 2.0: Toward a Multilingual and Multimodal Framework.” Spec. issue of College Composition and Communication. 62.1 (2010): 100-126. Print.
* Reprinted in Multimodal Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. Ed. Claire Lutkewitte. New York: Bedford St. Martin’s Press. 2014. 497-516


AL 891: Reassembling Composition and Rhetoric: Studying Language and Culture in Local and Global Contexts

WRA 870: Research Methods in Rhetoric and Composition

WRA 260: Rhetoric, Persuasion and Culture

WRA 195H: Writing Ethnography Across Communities and Cultures

WRA 1004: Preparation for College Writing

University News

WRAC Professor Wins CCCC Technical and Scientific Communication Award
Published March 21, 2022 in College of Arts & Letters
Steven Fraiberg, Associate Professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures at Michigan State University, received a 2022 Conference on College Composition and Communication…Read now »