Rocío Quispe Agnoli
(517) 884-6315
B355 Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824
FacultyRomance and Classical StudiesAmerican Indian and Indigenous Studies
William J. Beal Distinguished Professor of Hispanic Studies
Rocío Quispe Agnoli is a Professor of Latin American Studies (16th-early 19th centuries) and Decolonial Studies, affiliated faculty in the American Indian Studies Program and core faculty of the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies. She has directed the Center for Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities (2007-2011). Her areas of interest include: Indigenous writers of Latin America, gender, sexualities, intersectionality, visual-written textual interactions, science fiction and studies of the future, and decolonial studies, Professor Quispe Agnoli is also a creative writer and has received three awards for her short fiction (La Regenta 1998, Atenea 1999, and Ana María Matute 1999). She is the recipient of the MSU Fintz Award for Teaching Excellence in the Arts & Humanities (2012), Peruvian Woman of the Year (2013, the Embassy of Peru in the United States), CAL Leadership Award (2016), and Inspirational Woman of the Year (2019, GenCen at MSU).
Publications include La fe andina en la escritura: resistencia e identidad en la obra de Guamán Poma de Ayala (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Press, 2006); Durmiendo en el agua (short fiction, Mundo Ajeno, 2008); four special issues in journals Cuaderno Internacional de Estudios Humanísticos y Literatura (“Beyond the Convent: Colonial Women’s Voices and Daily Challenges in Spanish America”, 2005, and “Mirrors and Mirages: Women’s Gaze in Hispanic Literature and Visual Arts”, 2015), Letras Femeninas (“Mirada de mujer: narrativas femeninas de lo visual y narrativas visuales de lo femenino”, 2014), Letras (“Más allá de los 400 años: Guamán Poma revisitado, 2020), and more than 80 articles on race, ethnicity and identity, women’s and gender studies, visual studies and television studies. Her second book, Nobles de papel: identidades oscilantes y genealogías borrosas en los descendientes de la realeza inca (Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2016), received the 2017 LASA-Peru Flora Tristan Book Award. She is co-editor of Women’s Negotiations and Textual Agency in Latin America, 1500-1799 (Routledge, 2017) and Latin American Literatures in Transition, Pre 1492-1800 (Cambridge UP, 2022). More recently she has published Qhipa Pacha. Futurismo Peruano/Peruvian Futurism. A Bilingual Anthology (2023 eBook, 2024 paperback).
Since January 2020, she is the Editor in Chief of Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (REGS) sponsored by the Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades, the Department of Romance and Classical Studies, and the College of Arts & Letters. REGS is published by MSU Press.
Degree: Ph.D. Brown University
Position: Professor of Hispanic Studies
Editor in Chief, Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (REGS)
Research: Colonial Latin American Studies, Decolonial Studies, Women’s Studies, Gender, Sexualities, Indigenous Identities, Postcolonial and Subaltern Studies, Visual Studies, Interdisciplinary approaches to literary and cultural texts, Latin American ficción especulativa (science fiction, horror literature, literatura fantástica)
Podcasts series – Collaborative Edges (Across Languages and Cultures):
Hablando en/desde el archivo. Voces femeninas de los Andes (ss. xvi-xviii) (2020, Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Los silencios ambivalentes de Guamán Poma (2020, Biblioteca Nacional del Perú)
Premios Copé: Washington Delgado/ La invisibilidad de escritorAs en premios literarios de narrativa y ensayo (2020, Centro Cultural Petroperú)
El día que regresamos (2020, post-pandemia sci-fi book trailer)
La historia de María Joaquina Uchu, una noble inca en México del siglo XVIII (2017)
Studying Spanish and Latin America at MSU (6 short videos, 2014)
Video-tutorials Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades/JGSS

Hablando en/desde el archivo. Voces femeninas de los Andes (ss. xvi-xviii)
(2020, Universidad de Buenos Aires)

Los silencios ambivalentes de Guamán Poma
(2020, Biblioteca Nacional del Perú)

Premios Copé: Washington Delgado/ La invisibilidad de escritorAs en premios literarios de narrativa y ensayo
(2020, Centro Cultural Petroperú)

El día que regresamos
(2020, post-pandemia sci-fi book trailer)

La historia de María Joaquina Uchu, una noble inca en México del siglo XVIII

Studying Spanish and Latin America at MSU
(6 short videos, 2014)

Video-tutorials Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades/JGSS

Presentaciones Rocío Q.-A.
University News