Elizabeth Mittman
B267 Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824
FacultyLinguistics, Languages, and CulturesFilm Studies
Associate Professor
Ph.D., German, University of Minnesota
Liz Mittman’s teaching and research interests include East German and postsocialist studies, film and visual culture, autobiography and life writing, memory cultures, and gender studies. She has published articles and review essays in Signs, Seminar, Monatshefte, German Politics and Society, the Women in German Yearbook, Die Unterrichtspraxis, and Foreign Language Annals. Her current book project, “Narrating the German Democratic Republic as a Woman,” explores the relationships between gender, voice, and the search for “authenticity” in representations of the GDR, both before and after unification. Other ongoing projects explore the relationship between music and cultural memory in post-Holocaust German and American contexts, and the comics of Anke Feuchtenberger.
She serves on the editorial board of the German Quarterly and has held a variety of leadership roles in the Coalition of Women in German. Liz is currently coordinator for the MSU German program’s short- and long-term education abroad programs. In 2024 she was recognized with the MSU Award for Outstanding Service to Education Abroad.
GRM 303 — German Genders: Grammatik, Geschlechter, Gesellschaft
GRM 341 — German Cultures Before 1918 (341)
GRM 342 — German Cultures After 1918
GRM 445 — Mapping Germany
GRM 491 (Special Topics) — Immigrants, Exiles, and Others: A Century of German Film
GRM 862 (Constructions of Identity) — Writing Lives: Autobiography in German-Language Contexts
GRM 863 (Constructions of Community) — GDR Cultural Studies
GRM 865 (Culture in Context) — German Film Studies & History
University News
German Study Abroad Program Celebrates 50 Years of Life-Changing Experiences
Each summer, for the past 50 years, Michigan State University students have made a small city in Europe’s Rhine Valley their home. They travel to Mayen, Germany, for five weeks to study the German…Read now »
German Alumna Works with Big Cats in Africa
MSU alumna Kelsey Prediger works with cheetahs in Namibia, Africa, as the Conservation and Tour Manager of the Solitaire Activity Centre for the Solitaire Land Trust. Prediger graduated from…Read now »