Christian Lotz
(517) 353-9392
South Kedzie Hall
368 Farm Ln
East Lansing, MI 48824
Graduate Program Director
Post-Kantian European Philosophy; Aesthetics; Marx & Critical Theory
Christian Lotz earned an M.A. in philosophy, sociology, and art history from the University of Bamberg, and a PhD in philosophy from the University of Marburg (Germany). He spent two years as a research fellow at Emory University in Atlanta. Before coming to MSU he taught at the University of Marburg, Seattle University, and the University of Kansas. He taught as DAAD visiting professor in Cottbus/Germany in 2011 and 2013. His main research area is Post-Kantian European philosophy.
His current research interests are in classical German phenomenology, critical theory, Marx, Marxism, aesthetics, and contemporary European political philosophy.
Professor Lotz is currently accepting new graduate students.
Awards and Honors
Fintz Award for Teaching Excellence in the Arts and Humanities
Michigan State University
Teacher-Scholar Award
Michigan State University
National Fellowship
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
State Fellowship for Promising Young Academic Scholars
Hessische Nachwuchswissenschaftlerförderung
Continental Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, with Antonio Calcagno (eds) (Lexington Books 2023)
The Art of Gerhard Richter. Hermeneutics, Images, Meaning (Bloomsbury Press, 2015; pbk. 2017)
The Capitalist Schema. Time, Money, and the Culture of Abstraction (Lexington Books, 2014; pbk. 2016)
Christian Lotz zu Marx, Das Maschinenfragment (Laika Verlag, 2014)
Ding und Verdinglichung. Technik- und Sozialphilosophie nach Heidegger und der kritischen Theorie (ed., Fink Verlag)
From Affectivity to Subjectivity. Revisiting Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology (Palgrave, 2008)
Vom Leib zum Selbst. Kritische Analysen zu Husserl und Heidegger (Alber, 2005)
Phenomenology and the Non-Human Animal. At the Limits of Experience, with Corinne Painter (eds.), Contributions to Phenomenology (Springer, 2007)
Erinnerung. Philosophische Positionen, Perspektiven und Probleme, with T.Wolf and W.Ch. Zimmerli (eds.) (Fink, 2004)
Subjektivität – Verantwortung – Wahrheit. Neue Aspekte der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls, with D. Carr (eds.), (Lang, 2002)
Philosophie als Denkwerkzeug. Zur Aktualität transzendentalphilosophischer Argumentation, with M. Götze, K. Pollok and D. Wildenburg (eds.) (Königshausen&Neumann, 2000)