Lorelei Blackburn


163 Bessey Hall
434 Farm Ln
East Lansing, MI 48824

FacultyWriting, Rhetoric, and CulturesFirst Year Writing

Assistant Professor
Bailey Scholars Program Faculty Fellow


Dr. Blackburn’s research interests include cultures of accessibility in first-year writing classes and trauma-informed pedagogy. Dr. Blackburn is trained in rhetoric, writing, and pedagogy. She has taught first-year writing; professional and business writing; technical writing; academic writing for adults; foundations in integrated learning; American culture for international students; and ESL and EFL writing. She has taught classes domestically, online, and in Africa, the Middle East, and the Caucuses, to both native English speakers and to ESL/EFL students.

Research Areas

Disability Studies, Accessibility, Community-Engaged Learning, Pedagogy

Current research projects

“Toward a Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Using a trauma-informed approach to create accessible and inclusive learning spaces for trauma- and conflict-affected students.” This project researches how trauma-informed care can offer a framework upon which effective pedagogy can be built to help educators create accessible and inclusive learning environments in which trauma-affected students can learn.


Ph.D., Michigan State University

M.A., DePaul University

B.A., Purdue University

Research and Academic Affiliations

Bailey Scholars Program, Faculty Fellow


“Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Toward a culture of transformative access.” Bergamo Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice, Dayton, OH. 11 October 2019.

“En-Abling Moves: How trauma-informed teaching can expand accessibility for everyone” Cultural Rhetorics Conference, East Lansing, MI. 16 November 2018.

Blackburn, Lorelei, and Melanie Yergeau. “Mine, Yours, and Ours: Developing collaborative relationships in the academic sphere.” Metamorphosis: The Effects of Professional Development on Graduate Students. Eds. Andrea Davis and Suzanne Webb. 2017. Print.

Blackburn, Lorelei, and Ellen Cushman. “Service Learning and Distance: Sustainability in Traditional and Organic Service-Learning Relationships.” Service-Learning in Literacy Education: Possibilities for Teacher Educators.

Eds. Peter Smagorinsky and Valerie Kinloch. 2012. Print. 


WRA 101: Writing as Inquiry

WRA 135: Writing Public Life in America (with service learning component)

WRA 310: Writing Research Communities (with service learning component)

WRA 380: Managing Publication Projects (with service learning component)

ANR 410: Integrated Learning Transitions

University News

Learning While Meeting Community Needs for Mental Health Resource
Published July 22, 2020 in College of Arts & Letters
Lorelei Blackburn wants her students to do more than simply read, complete assignments, and take tests.  Each semester, the Assistant Professor of Writing, Rhetoric, and…Read now »