Leah Addis


B230 Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824

FacultyEnglish Language Center



Leah C. Addis is originally from River Falls, WI. She graduated with a BA in Spanish and Anthropology from Iowa State University and holds a Masters in TESOL from the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California. After graduating, she taught English for three years at the Nagoya University of Foreign Studies in Japan. She has been teaching at the MSU English language center since 2008 and loves her wonderful students and colleagues. In her free time, she loves food, photography, and traveling.

University News

2017 Reappointments
Published February 8, 2017 in College of Arts & Letters
On February 23, 2017, the College of Arts & Letters will recognize five new faculty members who will be reappointed and awarded continuing status at the University Faculty…Read now »