Leonard M. Fleck
(517) 355-7552
C-202 East Fee Hall
University Distinguished Professor
Medical Ethics; Social and Political Philosophy; Deliberative Democracy; Health Care Policy
Professor Fleck has published over 160 articles and book chapters on a broad range of topics in health care ethics, especially issues related to health care justice, health care rationing, and health care policy. More recently he has published a number of articles on ethical issues related to emerging genetic technologies, this in connection with his role as co-principal investigator for two three-year NIH ELSI grants. These grants explored the role of community dialogue (rational democratic deliberation) in addressing controversial issues of ethics and policy related to genetics and reproductive decision making. Some of the work in those community dialogue projects was captured in a book he authored for Oxford University Press in 2009 under the title Just Caring: Health Care Rationing and Democratic Deliberation. Subsequently, he was co-editor for a volume that addressed ethical issues related to the problem of bedside rationing. That volume was also published by Oxford University Press in 2015 under the title Fair Resource Allocation and Rationing at the Bedside.
Currently (2022) he has completed another volume for Oxford University Press under the title Precision Medicine and Distributive Justice: Wicked Problems for Democratic Deliberation. This volume addresses a number of emerging ethics issues, especially problems of health care justice, related to what is referred to as “precision” or “personalized” medicine, most especially in connection with targeted cancer therapies and immunotherapy.
Professor Fleck has also completed work on another volume for Cambridge University Press (2022) with the title Bioethics, Public Reason, and Religion: The Liberalism Problem . This volume addresses a number of issues related to emerging medical technologies that are regarded by many religious advocates as being ethically controversial, such as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or gene-editing of human embryos aimed at minimizing the birth of children with life-threatening genetic disorders.
Professor Fleck has served as chair of the Philosophy and Medicine Committee of the American Philosophical Association. He is a Fellow of the Hastings Center as well as the Brocher Foundation (Geneva). He has been the recipient of a University Distinguished Faculty Award (2003) as well as a Distinguished Faculty Award from the College of Human Medicine (2003).
Please see Prof. Fleck’s page at the Center for Bioethics and Social Justice for additional information: http://bioethics.msu.edu/73-people/86-fleck
1. “The Dobbs Decision: Can It be Justified by Public Reason?” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (July 2023), forthcoming 40 pp. in manuscript.
2. “Abortion and ‘Zombie’ Laws: Who is Accountable?” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (July 2023), forthcoming 5 pp. in manuscript.
4. “Full Reciprocity: An Essential Element for a Fair Opt-Out Organ Transplantation Policy.” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. July 2022;31(3): 310-20.
10. “Just Caring: Screening Needs Limits,” Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2020): 253-54.
11. “Medical Ethics: A Distinctive Species of Ethics,” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (July, 2020): 421-25
12. “Just Caring: Do We Need Philosophical Foundations?” paper for Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 3(June, 2017), pp. 221-32. This is the official journal for the International Academy of Medical Ethics and Public Health, jointly sponsored by the Sorbonne and Universite Rene Descartes.
14. “Precision QALYs, Precisely Unjust,” Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics 27 (July, 2019): 439-49.
15. “Ethical Considerations Related to Obesity Intervention,” chapter in Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence, Vol. 2 edited by Hiram Fitzgerald and Dele Davies. Praeger, Nov. 2018, pp. 1-38.
17. “First Come, First Served in the Intensive Care Unit, Always?” [with Tim Murphy], Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 27 (Jan. 2018): 52-61.
18. Review of “Understanding Health Inequalities and Justice: New Conversations Across the Disciplines,” edited by Mara Buchbinder et al. Hastings Center Report (Oct. 2017).
Roger Strand (Megaloceros Press, 2017), chapter 5, 73-94.
20. “How Should Therapeutic Decisions About Expensive Drugs Be Made in Imperfect Environments?” AMA Journal of Ethics. 19 (Feb., 2017): 147-56. (with Marion Danis MD as second author).
21. “Just Caring: Parsimonious Care in Certain Uncertain Circumstances.” 30-page paper
Prepared for Western Michigan University Bioethics conference (March, 2016);
Archived as epub at: http://scholarworks.wmich.edu
22. “Choosing Wisely: Is Parsimonious Care ‘Just’ Rationing?” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (2016): 366-76.
23. “Critical Care Limits: What is the Right Balance?” American Journal of Bioethics 16 (2016): 48-50.
24. “Just Rationing in the ICU: What Benefits Count?” Newsletter of the Philosophy and Medicine Committee of the American Philosophical Association (Spring 2016), 6-10 .
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