Danielle Filipiak



C621 Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824


Associate Professor


Danielle Filipiak is an Associate Professor of English and Coordinator for the Secondary English Education program. Her scholarly interests sit at the nexus of youth critical (including digital) literacies, sociocultural literacy studies, and practitioner and participatory research approaches.  These interests grew from her experiences as a classroom teacher and community organizer in Detroit, MI and later honed as she partnered with New York City youth and teachers across the duration of her PhD at Columbia University to advance initiatives focused on educational justice. Her work seeks to advance socially just, culturally sustaining literacy curricula and pedagogies that amplify the voices, brilliance, and ingenuity of youth from historically marginalized communities.

Towards this end, much of her work has focused on intergenerational, youth-engaged research and activism and the multiple literacies and identities forged within such contexts.  With scholarship featured in journals such as Research in the Teaching of English; English Journal; English Teaching, Practice & Critique; Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy; and a special co-edited issue of Education, Pedagogy & Cultural Studies, her research aims to disrupt discourses and structures of injustice and to broker transformative educational experiences that robustly hold space for the brilliance, dreams, desires and concerns of young people. Recently, she was awarded the Early Career Award through AERA’s Teaching and Teacher Education SIG (Division K), and the Purves Award through the National Council for the Teachers of English (Honorable Mention), which recognizes scholarship likely to have the greatest impact on educational practice.


Filipiak, D (Forthcoming). Dignity as a Methodological North Star. In Martinez & Castro (Eds.) Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education. Bloomsbury.

Filipiak, D. R. (2024). “I’m Outside the Box. Too Outside the Box, I Explode It!”: Exploring Literacies of Dignity with Middle School Youth. Research in the Teaching of English58 (3), 271-298.

Filipiak, D., & Caraballo, L. (2023). Exploring (R) Evolutionary College-Going Literacies with Immigrant Youth in a Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) Seminar. English Teaching: Practice and Critique22(3), 349-367.

Brochin, C., Filipiak, D., Hsieh, B., Kirkland, D. E., & Nyachae, T. M. (2023). In Dialogue: The Future of Critical Studies in Literacy Research. Research in the Teaching of English57(4), 402-411.