Kate Fedewa-O’Connor


262 Bessey Hall
434 Farm Ln
East Lansing, MI 48824

FacultyWriting, Rhetoric, and CulturesExperience ArchitectureFirst Year WritingProfessional and Public Writing

Academic Specialist
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programs

ORCID: 0000-0002-7977-4994


I teach in First Year Writing, Professional Writing, and the Gifted and Talented program at Michigan State University. I’m also the director of WRAC’s Young Authors’ Conference. My interest in rhetoric and identity formation inform my research and teaching. I am currently researching learner-centered writing pedagogy in non-traditional and digital spaces, as well as rhetoric and identity formation in tabletop gaming.

Research Areas

Literacy and Identity, Game Studies, History of Rhetoric, Student-Centered Pedagogy


Ph.D., English (Medieval Literature), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013.

Research or Academic Affiliations

Writing, Information, and Digital Experience

Gifted and Talented Education @ MSU


Scaffolding Agency and Responsibility in Cloud Collaboration

“Scaffolding Agency and Responsibility in Cloud Collaboration,” with Kathryn Houghton. In Marohang Limbu, ed., Integration of Cloud Technologies in Digitally Networked Classrooms and Learning Communities. IGI Global: (forthcoming, 2017)

‘The Tale of Melibee’ and Local Government: Power, Lordship, and Resources

“‘The Tale of Melibee’ and Local Government: Power, Lordship, and Resources.” In The Open Access Companion to the Canterbury Tales, Candace Barrington et al., eds. (2016) Online at www.opencanterburytales.com


WRA 471: The Rhetoric of Grammar

WRA 370: Introduction to Grammar and Editing

WRA 101: Writing as Inquiry

IAH 207: Literature, Culture, Identities

ISHALL 2: Accelerated Language Arts

University News

Professional and Public Writing Outstanding Senior Award Goes to Three Graduating Seniors
Published May 10, 2024 in College of Arts & Letters
A composite of three different pictures: on the left, is a woman with a a grey sweatshirt and glasses; in the middle is a woman with curly brown hair, glasses, and a green shirt; on the right is a woman with straight blonde hair and a dotted shirt.
Three graduating seniors received the 2024 Professional and Public Writing (P2W) Outstanding Senior Award, which is presented each year by the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Cultures at…Read now »
New Minor in Writing Now Offered to Undergraduates
Published August 24, 2021 in College of Arts & Letters
A new Minor in Writing is now being offered to undergraduate students at Michigan State University. This new minor, housed in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American…Read now »