Tania de Sostoa-McCue
242 East Bessey Hall Bessey Hall
434 Farm Ln
East Lansing, MI 48824
FacultyWriting, Rhetoric, and CulturesFirst Year Writing
Assistant Professor
Tania deSostoa-McCue is an NT Assistant Professor at Michigan State University. Her work poses the questions: What does queer do? What can queer do? Her dissertation project, Storying Embodiment: Building Theory Through the Self Storying of Queer Bodies, constellates a theoretical framework by braiding together queer and cultural rhetorics, feminist theory, and Indigenous methods and weaving the stories of three queer writers. deSostoa-McCue served as editorial assistant for our discipline’s flagship journal, College Composition and Communication, and has presented at conferences including Feminisms and Rhetorics, the American Library Association Conference, the Pop Culture Association National Conference, and the Conference on College Composition and Communication. She has served in coordinator roles with the MSU Writing Center. deSostoa-McCue teaches First-Year Writing in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures.
WRA 101