Camelia Suleiman
(517) 884-4320
B360 Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824
FacultyLinguistics, Languages, and CulturesGlobal Studies in Arts and HumanitiesSecond Language Studies
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Linguistics, Georgetown University
Camelia Suleiman (Ph.D. Linguistics, Georgetown University), is an associate professor at the Linguistics and Languages department at Michigan State University. She has led the Arabic Program from 2012-2020. Her current research interests are in the Sociolinguistics of Arabic and its contact with Hebrew. Other research interests are on language, race and gender, language and the media and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Her publications include: The Politics of Arabic in Israel: A Sociolinguistic Analysis. University of Edinburgh Press. May 2017, and Language and Identity in the Israel-Palestine Conflict: The Politics of Self-Perception in the Middle East. November, 2011. London: I.B. Tauris Press. Her articles appeared in ‘Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Pragmatics, Middle East Critique, The Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, and others. Her research also received several awards, press releases, and media coverage.
Prof. Camelia Suleiman recently published a sociolinguistic study of the use of Arabic in Israel.
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