Julian C. Chambliss
C705 Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Rd
East Lansing, MI 48824
FacultyEnglishGlobal Studies in Arts and Humanities
Literary Studies; Film and Media Studies; Popular Culture; Digital Humanities; Global and Diasporic Studies
Julian C. Chambliss is a Professor of English and the Val Berryman Curator of History at the MSU Museum at Michigan State University. In addition, he is the faculty lead for the Department of English Graphic Possibilities Research Workshop and a core participant in the MSU College of Arts & Letters’ Consortium for Critical Diversity in a Digital Age Research (CEDAR). His research interests focus on race, culture, and power in real and imagined spaces. His recent writing has appeared in Scholarly Editing, Genealogy, KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies, and The Conversation US.
He is a co-editor and contributor for Ages of Heroes, Eras of Men: Superheroes and the American Experience, a book examining the relationship between superheroes and the American Experience (2013). His book on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Assembling the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Essays on the Social, Cultural, and Geopolitical Domain, was published in 2018. His recent essays on comics have appeared in More Critical Approaches to Comics (2019) and The Ages of Black Panther (2020). His exhibition for the MSU Museum, Beyond the Black Panther: Vision of Afrofuturism in American Comics, explores Afrofuturist theme comics produced in the United States. His comics and digital humanities projects include The Graphic Possibilities OER, an open educational resource focused on comics, and Critical Fanscape, a student-centered critical-making project focused on communities connected to comics in the United States. He also serves as faculty lead for Comics as Data North America (CaDNA), an ongoing collaborative project at Michigan State University that uses library catalog data to explore North American comic culture. His most recent open-access book, Making Sense of Digital Humanities: Transformations and Interventions in Technocultures, offers a thematic roadmap to teaching digital humanities. His comic history exhibitions include Take Off! Comic Artists from the Great White North (2019), Comics and the City (2020), and Justice for All: Social Justice in Comics (2022).
An interdisciplinary scholar, he continually seeks ways to bridge teaching, scholarship, and service to understand space, place, and identity better. His work embraces Black digital humanities and Critical Afrofuturist frameworks. His co-edited primary document reader, Cities Imagined: The African Diaspora in Media and History (2018), highlights the differing ideology informing our understanding of black space. He has worked on several exhibitions examining Afrofuturism and visual culture, including Transfiguration: A Black Speculative Vision of Freedom at Philip and Patricia Frost Art Museum at Florida International University, A Past Unremembered: The Transformative Legacy of the Black Speculative Imagination, and Black Kirby: An Afrofuturist Vision both at the Zora Neale Hurston National Museum of Fine Arts. He was featured on the Terrestrial Space Panel at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Claiming Space Symposium in 2022.
Chambliss co-produced and hosted Every Tongue Got to Confess, a podcast examining communities of color from 2017 to 2022. Every Tongue won the 2019 Hampton Dunn New Media Award from the Florida Historical Society. In addition, he co-produced and co-hosted the Florida Constitution Podcast, a limited series podcast that won the 2019 Hampton Dunn Internet Award from the Florida Historical Society. He produces and hosts Reframing History, a podcast exploring humanities theory and practice in the United States. The second season of Reframing History inspired the publication of Reframing Digital Humanities: Conversations with Digital Humanists (2021), collecting conversations from leading DH scholars. Chambliss co-hosts and produces The Graphic Possibilities Podcast exploring comics making and pedagogy.
Media Mentions
CultureShift: ‘Afrofantastic’ explores the intersections of Afro-futurism and activism
WDET-FM | Detroit Public Radio
September 18, 2023
"Afrofantastic" documentary and the origins and impact of Afrofuturism
Michigan Public | Stateside
June 20, 2023
"Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" continues the series’ quest to recover and celebrate lost cultures
November 24, 2022
50 Years after Luke Cage’s Debut, Marvel Hero Remains ‘a Breakthrough in Media Representation
February 18, 2022
Reimagining Comic Book Superheroes through an Afrofuturist Lens
WMFE | NPR Public Media for Central Florida
January 20, 2022
Marking Our History: Like 9/11, COVID Pandemic a ‘Generation-Making Event’
The Providence Journal
September 1, 2021
Sonic Assembly: Exploring the Roots of Afrofuturism and Its Legacy in Present Day
WDET 101.9 FM
August 6, 2021
Everyone Needs Heroes: Representations Of Race, Gender And Society In ‘Woke’ Comic-Book Culture
Texas Public Radio
April 29, 2021
MSU Museum Exhibit Explores Afrofuturism through Black Comic Characters
Michigan Radio
February 15, 2021
Awards and Honors
Afrofantastic: The Transformative World of Afrofuturism – 2024 PEOPLE’S TELLY SILVER WINNER: LOCAL TV
The Telly Awards
Afrofantastic: The Transformative World of Afrofuturism – GOLD WINNER: EDITING — LOCAL TV
The Telly Awards
Afrofantastic: The Transformative World of Afrofuturism – BRONZE WINNER: DEI: DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION — LOCAL TV
The Telly Awards
2019 Florida Historical Society Hampton Dunn New Media Award
2019 Florida Historical Society Hampton Dunn Internet Award
2017 Julian Pleasant Fellow, Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP), University of Florida
IAH Afrofantastic
Since the 1990s we have seen an explosion of speculative art rooted in the black diasporic experience. Spanning media and crossing borders, the speculative work offered by these voices has coalesced into a movement broadly defined as Afrofuturism. This course examines the historical roots and contemporary expression of Afrofuturism in the United States. Afrofuturism is an evolving theoretical framework that seeks to reframe how we think about the past and future of race and identity, colonial legacies, and our approach to science and technology. While the term was created in the 1990s, this course seeks to understand how the contemporary Afrofuturist expressions are situated in a broader black speculative practice that uses the imaginary for liberatory means.
Cities Imagined: The African Diaspora in Media and History edited by Walter Greason and Julian C. Chambliss (Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing, 2018)
Assembling the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Essays on the Social, Cultural and Geopolitical Domain edited by Julian C. Chambliss, William Svitavsky, and Daniel Fandino (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2018)
Ages of Heroes, Eras of Men: Superheroes and the American Experience edited by Julian C. Chambliss, William Svitavsky & Thomas C. Donaldson, (Newcastle Upon Tyne UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013)
“A Different Nation: Continuing a Legacy of Decolonization in Black Panther,” in The Ages of the Black Panther edited by Joseph J. Darowski (Jefferson, N.C: McFarland, 2020)
“Brotherman and Big City: A Commentary on Superhero Geography,” in More Critical Approaches to Comics edited by Matthew J. Smith, Randy Duncan and Matthew Brown (New York: Routledge, 2019)
“March 4, 1893,” in Black Quotidian: Everyday History in African-American Newspapers by Matthew F. Delmont, (Stanford University Press, 2019)
“Don’t Call Them Memorials,” in Controversial Monuments and Memorials: A Guide for Community Leaders edited by David Allison (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018)
Wenxian Zhang, Rahim Raja, and Julian Chambliss, “Race and Sport in the Florida Sun: The Rollins/Ohio Wesleyan Football Game of 1947,” Phylon 56, no. 2 (Winter 2019): 59–81
Transfiguration: A Black Speculative Vision of Freedom
The Hand Art Center, Stetson University
January 10th- February 19th 2022
Curator, Physical Exhibition
Black Kirby: An Afrofuturist Vision
Zora Neale Hurston National Museum of Fine Arts, Eatonville, Florida
January 8th- December 1st 2022
Curator, Physical Exhibition
Beyond Black Panther: Visions of Afrofuturism in American Comics
MSU Museum
February 1st -May 29th, 2021
Curator, Virtual Exhibition
Transfiguration: A Black Speculative Vision of Freedom
Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum
January 22nd- April 25th, 2021
Mapping the Sonic Imagination
Zora Neale Hurston National Museum, Eatonville, Florida
January 25th- December 31st, 2021.
Justice for All: Social Justice in Comics
Residential College of the Arts and Humanities (RCAH) LookOut Gallery, East Lansing, Michigan
March 2020
Exhibition, Co-Curator
A Past Unremembered: The Transformative Legacy of Black Speculative Imagination
Zora Neale Hurston Museum of Fine Art, Eatonville, Florida
January 2020 (Ongoing)
Exhibition, Co-curator
Comics and the City
Michigan State University Library, East Lansing, Michigan
January 14th-February 29th 2020
In conjunction with the 2020 MSU Comics Forum, Co-Curator
Take Off! Comic Artists from the Great White North
Michigan State University Main Library, East Lansing, Michigan
January 14th-February 24th 2019
In conjunction with the 2019 MSU Comics Forum, Co-Curator
Art in Odd Places Orlando: Noise
Downtown Arts District, Orlando, Florida
November 10-12, 2017
Co-Curator, Exhibition

Ages of Heroes, Eras of Men: Superheroes and the American Experience
Edited by Julian C. Chambliss, William Svitavsky & Thomas C. Donaldson

Assembling the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Essays on the Social, Cultural and Geopolitical Domain
Edited by Julian C. Chambliss, William Svitavsky, and Daniel Fandino

Reframing Digital Humanities: Conversations with Digital Humanists
By Julian Chambliss

Making Sense of Digital Humanities:Transformations and Interventions in Technocultures
Edited by Julian Chambliss and Ellen Moll