Stuart Blythe
FacultyWriting, Rhetoric, and CulturesExperience ArchitectureRhetoric and WritingProfessional and Public Writing
Associate Professor
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Stuart’s research interests include writing pedagogy and administration as well as public discourse relating to science and technology. He teaches courses in the Professional Writing major at MSU.
PhD, Purdue University, 1997
MA, University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign, 1990
BA, Purdue University, 1986
Research Areas
Administration and Curriculum, Theories of Learning, and Rhetoric, Science, and Technology
Blythe, Stuart. “Attending to the Subject in Writing Transfer and Adaptation.” Eds. C. M. Anson and J. L. Moore. Critical Transitions: Writing and the Question of Transfer. Boulder, CO: U. of Colorado Press, 2017. 49-67.
Blythe, Stuart, & Laura Gonzales. “Coordination & Transfer across the Metagenre of Secondary Research.” College Composition & Communication 67.4 (2016): 607-633.
Olabisi, Laura Schmitt, Stuart Blythe, Ralph Levine, Lorraine Cameron, & Michael Beaulac. “Participatory, Dynamic Models: A Tool for Dialogue.” Eds. Adam S. Parris, G. M. Garfin, K. Dow, R. Meyer, & S. L. Close.
Climate in Context: Science and Society Partnering for Adaptation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
Blythe, Stuart, Claire Lauer, & Paul Curran. “Professional & Technical Communication in a Web 2.0 World: A Report on a Nationwide Survey.” Technical Communication Quarterly 23.4 (2014): 265-287.
Blythe, Stuart. “Composing Activist Research.” Eds. K. Powell & P. Takayoshi. Practicing Research in Writing Studies: Reflexive and Ethically Responsible Research. CressKill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2012. 271-287.
Blythe, Stuart, Jeffrey T. Grabill, & Kirk Riley. “Action Research and Wicked Environmental Problems: Exploring Appropriate Roles for Researchers in Professional Communication.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication 22 (2008): 272-298.
Winner, 2009 NCTE Award for best article reporting qualitative or quantitative research in technical and scientific communication
Blythe, Stuart. “Coding Digital Texts and Multimedia.” Digital Writing Research: Technologies, Methodologies, and Ethical Issues. Eds. H. McKee & D. N. DeVoss. CressKill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2007. 203-228.
Blythe, Stuart. “Agencies, Ecologies, and the Mundane Artifacts in Our Midst.” Labor, Writing Technologies, and the Shaping of Composition in the Academy. Eds. Pamela Takayoshi and Patricia Sullivan. Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2006. 167-186.
WRA 202: Introduction to Professional Writing
WRA 260: Rhetoric, Persuasion & Culture
WRA 455: Senior Portfolio
WRA 841: Theories of Professional Writing
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