Sara Doan


FacultyWriting, Rhetoric, and CulturesExperience ArchitectureRhetoric and WritingProfessional and Public Writing

Assistant Professor – Tenure System

ORCID: 0000-0003-0146-888X

Curriculum Vitae


Sara Doan (she/her) is an assistant professor of experience architecture in the Writing, Rhetoric, and Cultures Department at Michigan State University. She examines how expertise is framed and enacted through user experience design, such as instructor feedback on resumes and cover letters, misleading data visualizations about COVID-19, project management, audience co-creation in public service announcements, and the content strategy of Southeastern state health departments. Doan’s work on data visualizations, preventive health behaviors, and feedback in technical communication courses has appeared in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, and Business and Professional Communication Quarterly.

Her areas of expertise include data visualizations and public health, COVID-19 data visualizations, vaccine hesitancy, disability rights, digital accessibility, homeschooling and state policy, and Christian nationalism.

Media Mentions


Doan, S. Visualizing Pandemics: Charts, COVID-19, and the Golden Ages of Data Design. Book proposal being revised and resubmitted for the X-Series at Parlor Press.

Doan, S., & Kennedy, C. (2023). “Remember to P.A.C.K. for Racially Inclusive Content Strategy: An Infographic and Call to Action.” The Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, 6(2), Online only.

Doan, S. (2021). Misrepresenting COVID-19: Lying with charts during the Second Golden Age of Data Design. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 35(1), 73-79.