Ann Burke
FacultyWriting, Rhetoric, and CulturesExperience Architecture
Assistant Professor
Ann Burke is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures. Ann brings experience in qualitative research methods, educational policy, professional development, user experience design and research, technical and professional writing, and teaching that spans K-12 and higher education contexts. Here at MSU, Ann’s teaching and research interests center around learning experience design, UX research and design, writing pedagogy, professional writing, K-12/College connections, and educator development. Her published works appear in enculturation, the Language Arts Journal of Michigan, the National Council of Teachers of English Council Chronicle, Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, and Enculturation. Ann earned her master’s in English/Rhetoric and Composition at Ball State University and her PhD in English and Education at the University of Michigan.
Research Areas
Composition Studies, Writing Pedagogy, Learning Experience Design, UX Research and Design, English Education, K-12/College Connections
PhD, Joint Program in English and Education, University of Michigan
MA, English, specializing in Rhetoric and Composition, Ball State University
BA, English and History; Secondary Teaching Certification, Aquinas College
Research or Academic Affiliations
MSU Transitions Project
Conference on College Composition and Communication
Michigan Council of Teachers of English
National Council of Teachers of English
Austin, J., Burke, A., Foley, E., & Rumohr, G. (2021). Building and Maintaining Sanctuary Spaces through Face to Face Writing Assessment. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education, 10(1), 4.
Burke, A. (2019). “What Does it Mean to Be Prepared for College-Level Writing?: Examining how college-bound students are influenced by institutional representations of preparedness and college-level writing.”
Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education: Vol. 7 : Iss. 1 , Article 6.
Burke, A. (2014). “Locating Stakeholders Within the Technocratic Frame: A Rhetorical Analysis of Achieve, Inc.” Language Arts Journal of Michigan: Vol. 29: Iss. 2, Article 5.
McNely, B., Gestwicki, P., Gelms, B., & Burke, A. (2013). “Spaces and Surfaces of Invention: A Visual Ethnography of Game Development.” Enculturation, 15.
Burke, A. “National Day of Listening Comes to Midland, Michigan: A StoryCorps Project.” (2011). National Council for the Social Studies. Social Studies and the Young Learner.” Vol. 24 No. 2. November/December 2011. 5-8.
Burke, A. (2010). “Teacher as Leader in a ‘Flat World’: Preparing Students to Succeed in a Global Community.” Language Arts Journal of Michigan: Vol. 25: Iss. 2, Article 4.
WRA 101: Writing as Inquiry
WRA 210: Web Authoring
XA 242: Introduction to Experience Architecture
XA 333: Research in Experience Architecture